Breaking News For People Age 40+ Who Want Healthy Blood Sugar Levels, Youthful Energy, and A Slimmer, Fitter Body...

Discover The 30-Second Bedtime Ritual
That Naturally Balances Your Blood Sugar And Turns Your Body Into A 24/7 “Fat Burning Furnace”
(Without Exercise Or Giving Up The Foods You Love)

From: James Walker | March 2, 2022

The doctor's words hit me like a sledgehammer...

“Mrs. Walker, If We Can't Get Your Husband's Blood Sugar Under Control, We Might Need To Amputate.”

I was laying there helpless in a hospital bed...

Hooked up to wires and machines as my worried family gathered aroundme...

And the doctor was telling my wife Julie that slicing off one of my legs might be the only way to save my life!

My erratic blood sugar, and the weight gain and other health destroying problems that came with it, had caused severe artery damage...

Damaged Artery

And in that dark moment, I actually thought I might be better off ending it all.

The thought of being trapped in a wheelchair and becoming a burden on my loved ones was simply too much to bear...

Yet I'm here today to share an astonishing story with you...

About how I discovered an unusual “ancient ritual” that reset my blood sugar to perfectly healthy levels...

Melted away over 60 pounds of ugly fat...Deep sleep

Gave me deeper, more peaceful and rejuvenating sleep...

Supercharged my energy and vitality...

And turned back the clock on how I look and feel.

It's all thanks to a simple, all-natural bedtime ritual which I'm going to share with you today...

And this may be the most important message you read all year,because...

This safe, scientifically backed ritual can balance your blood sugar naturally a nd restore the slim, high-energy body of your youth!

Couple running on the beach
  • You'll do this without having to give up your favorite foods...
  • Without a single minute of grueling exercise...
  • And without having to take expensive medications that drain your finances and come with nasty side effects.

The shocking story behind this breakthrough, and the science behind it, will amaze you.

And I'm excited to share it with you, because...

Health experts are hailing this as a breakthrough that controls blood sugar naturally, while forcing your body to torch excess fat around the clock.

This means no more feeling anxious when you go for a checkup, because you dread getting the test results...

No more worrying about being a burden on your loved ones, or leaving them too soon...

And no more stressing about complications such as heart attacks, strokes or blindness...

Or even falling into a coma, like I did, and being told that amputation may be the only option left.

The simple ritual you'll discover just moments from now can be done in the comfort of your bedroom and
only takes 30 seconds or less...

Yet it balances blood sugar and triggers fast, “no stress” weight loss...

Reduces hunger cravings so you won't be tempted to overeat or reach for sugary snacks...

And fills you with all-day energy so you no longer feel fatigue or “brain fog” in the afternoons.

In fact, what I'm about to show you radically transformed not only my health, but also my marriage and family life...

And today, my wife Julie and I love each other more deeply than ever...

I'm enjoying a closer relationship with my children now that we can enjoy our favorite activities again...

And I'm even keeping up with my rambunctious little grandson.

As hellish as my near-death experience was, it sent me on an unexpected journey that led to a breakthrough discovery...

About the real underlying root cause of high blood sugar, excess belly fat, unexplained weight gain, and all the debilitating problems that come with it.

For you, this will mean freedom...

  • Freedom from the fear that one day, maybe sooner than you think, you'll become a burden on your loved ones...
  • Freedom from lying awake at night worrying about your next doctor's visit and the test results...
  • Freedom to move around without aches and pains, or feeling tired and out of breath...
  • Freedom to enjoy your favorite foods without having to dread what you'll see when you step on the scale...
  • And the Freedom to wear the clothes you want, like that pair of jeans you used to look great in…or a sexy new bathing suit that you’ll wear with confidence instead of covering up out of shame.

Best of all, you'll be free to enjoy every day in radiant health, knowing your best days are still yet to come.

Happy couple

You'll soon understand why you've struggled to get your health under control and lose weight, and why the advice you've been getting is NOT enough...

You'll see how losing weight can be easier than you ever imagined, whether you want to melt away 10, 20, 50 or 80 pounds or more...

And this time you'll keep it off for good, without any unwanted changes to your diet or lifestyle.

In fact, regaining a single pound will seem impossible no matter what you eat, because your body will turn everything, even bread, pasta, pizza and ice cream, into high-octane rocket fuel.

Your struggles have nothing to do with genetics or family history. And it's not about eating too much sugar or too many carbs...

In fact, Americans have been eating less sugar and carbs over the past 15 years, yet the numbers of people suffering from high blood sugar and obesity has exploded!


It's because we're bombarded with false information and misled by billion dollar corporations that don't want us to succeed.

There are endless profits in keeping us fat, sick and unhealthy.

You've been set up to fail. The game has been rigged against you.

Why do you think it seems so brutally difficult to slim down, control your blood sugar, and enjoy an active, pain-free lifestyle... even when you've tried everything you're supposed to do?

The good news is, your struggles can end today...

Because On This Page, You'll Discover A “Secret Fix” That Takes Just 30 Seconds Per Day In The Comfort Of Your Home!

James Walker

But first, allow me to introduce myself...

My name is James Walker. I'm a 53-year-old high school science teacher and independent health researcher from Ocean City, Maryland.

I'm not speaking to you today as some celebrity doctor or “guru.”

I'm a proud American who's also a loving husband and father...and as of recently, a grandpa...

Yet a few years ago, high blood sugar crept into my life like a silent invader and began to tear my world apart.

Until then, I'd never had any major health scares. But as I got older, it was like my body started turning against me.

My lifestyle hadn't changed much, but I was gaining an alarming amount of weight and feeling slow, tired and moody.

Before, I could eat what I wanted and my normal daily routine burned it off...

But now it was like my metabolism had blown a fuse.

If I even looked at a pizza I would put on weight, especially around my waistline!

With my growing belly came other problems...

Back pain

Lower back pain. Aching joints. High blood pressure...

And while I slept, I struggled to breathe. This caused me to snore so loud my wife said I sounded like a broken chainsaw.

My weight ballooned by more than 70 pounds. Simple daily activities left me exhausted. I couldn't make it up a flight of stairs without stopping to catch my breath.

It was affecting my marriage, too. I'd stopped being intimate with my wife Julie...

She was still the same beautiful woman I'd married, but I'd lost my desire and getting “aroused” was difficult and embarrassing.

I told myself this was an all an unavoidable part of getting older.

Still, I tried every “treatment” I could think of...

  • I cut out alcohol and junk food...
  • I tried different diets, like low carb, keto, Atkins, and paleo...
  • I took walks in the mornings...
  • I gave Chinese acupuncture a try...
  • I went to a nutritionist and loaded up on vitamins...
  • I even saw a hypnotherapist...

Yet my weight kept rising as my energy levels sank.

Believe me, I know how frustrating it feels to try everything and still feel like a prisoner trapped in your own body...


Finally, Julie convinced me to see a doctor...

He ran some tests and told me my blood sugar (also known as“glucose”) was reaching dangerously high levels.

I was put on several prescription medications. The side effects were awful...

They included heartburn, gas, constipation, and intense food cravings. I was starving for anything sugary and sweet...

But even if I ate like a rabbit, my blood sugar was still all over the place and somehow I gained 16 pounds over the next couple of months.

And though I was always tired, it took me hours to fall asleep...and it was never deep, peaceful sleep...

Heart Attack

Some nights I'd dream I was dying of a heart attack and wake up gasping for air.

When I returned to my doctor and he checked my blood again, somehow my blood sugar had gotten even worse...

So he prescribed MORE medications...

Which meant more side effects, including nausea and dizziness...

And now I was paying $2,341 a month out of pocket.

That's over $28,000 a year to treat symptoms, not to fix the problem!

After three years of this hell, my world came crashing down on the day of my daughter Natalie's wedding...

As I walked her down the aisle, I suddenly blacked out and collapsed in front of our family and friends.

When I woke up in the ICU the doctor said I had peripheral artery disease in my right leg, due to poor blood flow.

It was a blood sugar complication I'd never imagined...

Even worse, I was told that if my condition didn't turn around soon, amputation might be necessary.

I hated having my family see me in that bed, kept alive by machines. The worried look in their eyes felt like a dagger twisting in my heart...


I was supposed to be their rock, their protector, yet I'd ruined the biggest day of my daughter's life and soon I'd be stuck in a wheelchair.

Then I'd be worse than helpless. I would be a burden on them.

Later that night as I lay alone in the dark, I have to admit I thought about ending it all.

The only future I could imagine was shuttling between doctor's appointments for the rest of my days...

Gulping down pills that made me dizzy and nauseated, and drained our finances.

My wife Julie would insist on being my caretaker. But what kind of life would that be for her?

She still had her health. It wouldn't be fair...

And that's when I vowed to find a way to reclaim my health and get back to being the man my family needed.

But I had a gut feeling that something else was behind my problems...something the doctors didn't know about, or weren't telling me...

So when I was released from the hospital, I plunged into doing research.


I drove to one of the top medical universities in the country, which is a few hours from where I live.

I spent all day in the library, poring over scientific journals and the latest studies on blood sugar and obesity...

Until it was nearly midnight and the library was closing.

Then a voice called out to me: “Did you find what you were looking for?”

I looked over and saw a young librarian pushing a cart full of books.

She had a friendly smile, and I could use any help I could get, so I told her about my research.

Her name was Susan. She was a second year medical student working part time at the library.

“You need to check out Dr. Kumar's work,” she said...

Dr. Kumar

“Who's that?” I asked.

She explained that Dr. Kumar was a visiting professor at the university and one of the world's foremost endocrinologists.

He was a specialist in hormone-related conditions including high blood sugar.

Susan had taken a class with him...she said he was brilliant but he'd been angry with the university ever since they refused to publish one of his studies.

That's when she took me to the back of the library, to a storage room filled with dusty metal cabinets.

Research Paper

She began opening them, revealing folders filled with more research papers and studies.

“These are the ones that never see the light of day,” she said, handing me one of the folders.

Inside was a report with Dr. Kumar's name under the title:

“Meta-Analysis Of Pancreatic Beta Cell Regeneration Via Naturally Occurring Compounds.”

Susan let me stay after the library closed so I could read this secret report that had been buried for years...

And the hidden knowledge I uncovered in those pages would change my life forever!

According to Dr. Kumar's research, high blood sugar wasn't just due to a problem in the pancreas.

It's also because of beta cells that live on the pancreas.

Beta cell

Beta cells produce the insulin your body needs to convert sugar into energy...

But when you've got high blood sugar, your body becomes less responsive to insulin.

This causes your beta cells to work extra hard to increase insulin production...

And eventually this causes them to burn out and die.

Without healthy beta cells, your body can barely produce any insulin.

With nothing to keep your blood sugar in check, your levels rise...

And to make matters worse, your hunger cravings increase and your metabolism slows down to a turtle-like crawl!

Have you felt the frustration of gaining weight no matter what you eat?
And losing a few pounds and keeping it off can feel like trying to push a boulder up a mountain?

This is because your beta cells are dying and can't do their job.

But in Dr. Kumar's report, he said he'd made an incrediblediscovery...

A combination of “super nutrients” from Mother Nature that could bring beta cells back to life and re-activate them...

And when this happens, not only can it balance erratic blood sugar...

It also triggers faster metabolic activity which means rapid, effortless weight loss.

I couldn't wait to see what these super nutrients were...but when I turned the page I saw that their names were blacked out!

I rushed over to Susan, who was sitting at the librarian's desk.

“This is it,” I said, holding up the report. “This is the information I've been looking for. But why are the details hidden?”

“For the same reason the university buried it in a back room file cabinet instead of publishing it,” she said.

Susan typed the name of the report into her computer. Then she turned it around so I could see the words on the screen.

“That's who funded Dr. Kumar's research,” she said. “They're the largest corporate donor to this university. You can probably guess why they didn't want Dr. Kumar's findings going public.”

Now, I don't want to say the name of this billion-dollar Big Pharma corporation and get their lawyers after me, so I'll just say this...

You've probably heard of them, and I'm sure you've seen their TV commercials.

Dr. Kumar's report was a direct threat to their profits!

Fortunes in drug sales would be lost if the public knew about all-natural nutrients that can balance erratic blood sugar along with combating obesity and its related problems...

So the corporation ordered it buried, and the university kept receiving millions of dollars in grant money from them.

Lecture hall

But I wasn't going to let these secrets stay hidden...

So the next day I visited the lecture hall, where Dr. Kumar was giving a talk...

After he was done speaking, I approached him and told him I'd read his study...

I explained my struggles, how the meds were ruining my quality of life and I was in danger of losing my leg...

And then I pleaded with him: “I need you to tell me about the ‘super nutrients' in your report. I'm ready to try anything at this point.”

The doctor must have felt sorry for me because he invited me to come with him to his office...

And when we sat down, he he told me “The Hunzas deserve the credit, not me.”

The Hunzas? I had no idea what he meant...

Until he pushed a button on his laptop and a video began to play on theTV mounted on the wall...

Suddenly a majestic mountain range filled the screen, and I saw what looked like members of some ancient tribe...

Deep sleep

These were the Hunzas, Dr. Kumar explained. For centuries, some of their people have been living in the mountains of Kashmir.

Legend had it this group of Hunzas live longer than anyone on Earth. They never get sick and are immune to most diseases including cancer and diabetes.

Others say it's all a myth...

Well, Dr. Kumar decided to find out. He went to live with them for a few months, to learn if they possessed secrets of health and longevity.

In that time he didn't come across a single Hunza man or woman suffering from erratic blood sugar, obesity, hypertension, or any other major medical condition.

Dr. Kumar compiled a list of herbs and plants that the Hunzas ate. He was especially curious about a brew they drank before going to sleep.

By checking their blood sugar levels, he was shocked to find that all of them—men and women of all ages—woke up every day at the crack of dawn with perfectly balanced glucose levels.

It didn't matter if they'd fasted or feasted the day before. It was as if while they slept, their blood sugar would “reset.”

Dr. Kumar determined the key ingredient in the brew was Gymnema sylvestra, which comes from a rare, leafy vine.

The locals call it “gurmar,” and it's been worshipped as a miracle food since the 12th century when it was written about in the Shushruta Samhita, one of the oldest known texts on medicine.

Gurmar Powder

Modern studies have shown gurmar to possess powerful anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antiviral, and even anticancer properties.

You won't hear it mentioned in Western medicine, but on the other side of the world it's known as a natural remedy for heart disease, cardiovascular disease, asthma and obesity.

Yet gurmar has another unique quality, and when I learned about it my heart nearly jumped out of my chest with excitement.

I also knew instantly why Big Pharma covered up Dr. Kumar's study.

You see, on top of its other remarkable benefits...

Gurmar balances blood sugar naturally and even eliminates sugar cravings. In fact, the word “gurmar” translates to “sugar destroyer.”

According to Dr. Kumar,

When this powerful nutrient enters your system it activates a three-step “triple action” process...

  • Step One:
    Gurmar triggers the regeneration of the beta cells on your pancreas. Your beta cells come back to life, forcing your body to produce insulin, which absorbs the sugar from your bloodstream and converts it into the energy that your body burns as fuel.
  • Step Two:
    Phytochemicals, one of the chemical compounds found in gurmar, block your intestines from producing glucose. Imagine your body's “glucose faucet” is shut off while your beta cells keep generating more sugar-burning insulin.
  • Step Three:
    To complete the triple action, gymnemic acids—another of the active compounds in gurmar—block the sugar receptors on your taste buds and in your intestines. This causes your cravings for sugary foods and beverages to disappear.

Your metabolism shifts from “fat storage” mode to “fat burning” mode. Torching extra weight becomes your default setting, and much of this fat loss happens while you sleep.

Yet this was only the beginning of Dr. Kumar's breakthrough.

He identified other plant-based compounds and nutrients in the Hunza's brew that amplified its benefits...

Fat burn

However, as he explained to me, the power of this formula wasn't only about the ingredients themselves.

It was also about using them in exactly the right dosages.

Dr. Kumar told me, “When they're combined correctly, a ‘synergistic effect' occurs. But if you take too much of one ingredient, or too little of another, you won't trigger the optimal metabolic reaction.”

Dr. Kumar wrote it all on a piece of paper, folded it up, and handed it to me. He had to get to his next class.

As he headed towards the door I said “Doctor, it's a shame your work isn't getting the recognition it deserves. This could be helping millions of people.”

Dr. Kumar paused in the doorway and looked back at me.


“I believe it still can,” he said, “but now I leave it in your hands. You have my blessing to share this with those in need. I've done my part.”

And with that, he was gone.

When Julie and I got home, I searched for the ingredients online. Some of them were impossible to find in the US. I'd need to order them from overseas.

It cost me an arm and a leg, but a week later I'd gathered the ingredients and was ready to follow the instructions Dr. Kumar had given me.

This was no easy process. I had to grind the ingredients into powder, then measure them precisely, mix them, and drink the brew one hour before bed.

The bitter taste almost made me gag but I gulped it down. Then I laid down beside Julie and fell into a deep sleep almost instantly.

In the morning, Julie told me I hadn't snored for the first time in ages...
and I was amazed by how refreshed, relaxed and clear-headed I felt...

Walking with dog

I even climbed out of bed and took the dog for a walk. My body wanted to move!

Julie couldn't believe it. What had gotten into me?

I wasn't ready to tell her about Dr. Kumar's brew yet. After all the frustrations I'd been through, I was skeptical that this would keep working.

I continued to take the brew, and a few days later I used my test kit to check my glucose levels.

I was shocked to see they were the healthiest they'd been in years. And there was no denying how much sharper and more energetic I felt.

When I stepped on the scale there was more good news. I was down seven pounds. That's when I realized I hadn't been snacking during the day like I usually did, because I no longer had cravings.

A week later, I was down 12 pounds. My aches and pains were disappearing, including the nerve pain in my legs. I could walk without crutches.

I was waking up earlier than usual, full of energy and excited aboutthe day ahead.

I resumed a woodworking project in my garage that I'd abandoned years ago. On Sunday, I barbequed and swam with my family...


And that evening in bed, Julie and I enjoyed some “intimacy” for the first time in what must have been two years.

Afterwards, as we lay there together blissfully, I told her about Dr. Kumar and the brew.

Even though she could see the changes in me, Julie had concerns. She made me agree that along with the brew, I would continue to take my meds.

Over the next 30 days the symptoms that had made my life a living hell kept fading away.

My blood sugar was down almost 40 points. I was 33 pounds lighter. My trimmer waistline meant I could ditch my sweatpants and fit into my favorite jeans again.

I felt as if I'd found a time machine that took me back 20 years to before any of my blood sugar or weight problems...

And speaking of time, I had much more of it each day to spend on the activities, and the people, that I loved.

I needed less sleep to feel recharged. My energy levels no longer crashed in the afternoon.

In fact, one of my favorite effects of the brew was how it helped me fall into a deep slumber almost immediately after I closed my eyes.

At my next checkup, my doctor had to check my results twice to make sure he was reading them correctly...

"Your numbers show you've made quite a turnaround,” he said. Your blood sugar is down to a normal level, so I'm going to take you off most of these meds and we'll see how it goes.”

Health checkup

My wife and I left the doctor's office walking on air. I was beaming with pride and an overwhelming sense of relief.

Now there was a phone call I had to make, to my daughter Natalie.

“It's time to reschedule that wedding,” I told her.

She knew about my doctor's appointment, so she understood what those words meant...for me and for our family. She let out a cry of joy.

Yet as Julie and I drove home, another thought kept crossing my mind...

Surely God hadn't allowed me to make this breakthrough discovery just so I could keep it to myself.

I knew too many people who were struggling with erratic blood sugar and trapped in overweight, deteriorating bodies.

I also knew that even if they were leading relatively normal lives, they were ticking time bombs. It was only a matter of time before they landed in the hospital, or worse.

So I began to privately share my brew with some friends and family members who'd been struggling with high blood sugar.

Some of them also met the definition of obesity. Others were only carrying 10 or 15 extra pounds.


I gave them each a couple of weeks' worth of ingredients along with a set of instructions. It cost me quite a bit of I said, ordering from those overseas pharmacies wasn't cheap...but I felt truly blessed, and I was paying it forward.

They included my 68 year old aunt Rose...

My fellow teachers Tom, 46, and Diane, 51...

And my brother Dave and his wife Laurie, who'd given up trying to lose weight because they figured they were “big boned” and “born to be fat,” but now their health was going downhill.

I also shared the brew with my friend Carlos, a former Marine who looked to be in good shape at 71. But he'd been diagnosed with high blood sugar a year ago and couldn't get it under control.

All of them experienced astonishing results in the first 30 days...

  • Aunt Rose lost nearly 25 pounds, lowered her blood sugar from 182 to 142, and was getting around her house without using her walker. Her blood pressure and LDL cholesterol were down, too.
  • My brother lost 28 pounds. His wife Laurie dropped a couple of dress sizes and her lab results showed that her blood sugar was normalized.
  • Carlos got his blood sugar under control as well. I was thrilled when he texted me to say he was finally able to throw away his meds and testing kits.

But back to my sister-in-law Laurie...

She was so excited she posted her before-and-after pics on Facebook and bragged about her new “weight loss secret.”

When her friends asked her about it, she posted a link to my Facebook profile...

And suddenly I was waking up to dozens of friend requests from strangers.

Laurie's post was getting shared all over social media and more pleas for help kept pouring into my inbox!

But helping all of these people wasn't possible. The ingredients were not only too expensive for some of them, but sometimes they'd be out of stock for weeks.

I'd also found that preparing the brew at the end of a long day, and having to measure every milligram, was a hassle many people didn't want to deal with.

This is why my brother gave up and regained the weight he'd lost, and then some.

But it got me to thinking...

Could there be a way to simplify this, so the hassle and high costs would be removed? And that's when the answer hit me like a lightning bolt...

I decided I would try to find a lab that could order the ingredients in bulk, and put them in capsule form.

It took me several months of contacting facilities across the USA to find out if they could source the ingredients and mix them in capsules, at a reasonable cost and at the highest level of quality and purity.

Finally I was able to work out an arrangement with a first rate USA lab.

Their in-house technicians suggested adding a few other natural ingredients, which our testing showed boosted the benefits and the quality to an even higher level.

And this is why today, I'm able to I'm proudly introduce you to GlucoTrust.

Just one capsule per day, before bedtime, is the simple ritual that will set you free.

And the benefits of GlucoTrust go so far beyond supporting healthy blood sugar levels. Each capsule also:

  • Reduces inflammation to soothe aches and pains
  • Promotes healthy blood flow and circulation
  • Targets nutritional deficiencies that cause tingling and nerve pain, also known as neuropathy
  • Helps to reverse weight gain caused by high blood sugar and side effects from medications
  • Eliminates sugar and junk food cravings
  • And supports deep, rejuvenating sleep.

Now because I believe in being fully transparent, I'd like to share some of the super nutrients in each capsule of GlucoTrust.

Gymnema sylvestra

Gymnema sylvestra

First, you're aware of the awesome triple action power of Gymnema sylvestra, aka gurmar—“the sugar destroyer.”

When it comes to our war on diabetes and excess weight, you can't beat a nutrient from Mother Nature that restores healthy blood sugar levels while curbing your cravings at the same time.

The type of gurmar used in our formula was difficult to source, but with the help of my lab we were able to find a small organic farm that produces it in the most potent and natural form possible.

Unlike other gurmar supplements that skimp on quality to keep costs down, we use the whole leaf to give you the plant's maximum benefits.



Yet the mighty sugar destroyer is only the start. Next we've got biotin, which gets its name from the Greek word “biotos,” which means “life.”

A daily dose of this mega vitamin helps your body to convert food into energy, manage blood sugar levels, and effectively metabolize carbs, fats and proteins.

The biotin you get in every GlucoTrust capsule also promotes healthy hair and skin while supporting your liver, eyesight and nervous system.



The effects of biotin become magnified when it's combined with chromium, another of our super nutrients.

According to a study by Harvard Medical School, chromium safely lowers blood sugar levels and improves insulin sensitivity.

When your body lacks chromium, which is likely your situation right now, your ability to lose weight is held back from a cellular level.

The right amount of chromium, as found in every serving of GlucoTrust, helps to unleash your metabolism and kick it into high gear.

Your body stops storing fat and starts melting it away like a block of ice under the hot sun.



Manganese is another vital nutrient that stimulates insulin production, which turns your blood sugar into energy it can burn.

Manganese also improves bone strength and promotes healthy brain and nervous system function.

Licorice root

Licorice root

Licorice root is one of the world's oldest herbal remedies, used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese, Middle Eastern and Greek medicines.

The first known use of licorice root was in ancient Egypt, where the pharaohs would drink it in health-boosting elixirs.

Licorice root supports liver health and protects against fatty liver disease, which strikes at least half of people with chronic high blood sugar.

It's also an effective weight loss aid, helping to control your appetite while being rich in flavonoids, which reduce body fat and prevent obesity.



Cinnamon, known for thousands of years as “the king of spices,” has been shown to enhance beta cell function and lower insulin resistance.

This ingredient also promotes healthy blood pressure, assists with digestion, and has powerful anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.



Before finalizing the GlucoTrust formula we also added zinc, which Stanford University researchers say can assist with beta cell regeneration while stimulating insulin production in the pancreas.

Juniper Berries

Juniper Berries

And you'll also enjoy the benefits of juniper berries, which lower blood sugar levels while reducing inflammation and helping to fight off dangerous bacteria and viruses.

Juniper berries were buried in the tombs of ancient pharaohs and used to help the performance of athletes in the Roman Olympics. Their potent healing powers come from antioxidants that cleanse the body of toxins and supercharge the immune system.

Juniper is also a natural stress reliever, used by natural medicine practitioners to relax and calm the mind and body.

As you can see, this All-Star team of ingredients would be more than enough to make GlucoTrust the best supplement of its kind on the market. But there's even more in each capsule...


Because GlucoTrust also contains several all-natural, sleep-enhancing ingredients.

When you sleep, your body goes into repair mode. This is especially important when your body is under stress from erratic blood sugar and carrying extra weight.

Yet the number of hours you sleep means nothing compared to the amount of deep sleep you get.

In fact, the health and performance of your immune system, heart, brain, and especially your metabolism hinges on one specific phase of deep sleep which these ingredients promote.

During deep sleep your body is able to balance critically important hormones, such as cortisol, your “belly fat storing” hormone.


A lack of deep sleep dramatically elevates cortisol. This means the food you eat, whether it's healthy or not, gets turned into the most dangerous form of fat: visceral fat. This is the fat inside of you that wraps around your abdominal organs.

On the other hand, getting deep sleep keeps your cortisol in check while boosting leptin, your hunger-controlling hormone.

According to The National Library of Medicine, when leptin levels are low, as yours almost certainly are right now, your brain thinks you're starving.

You wake up hungry and feel hungry throughout the day because your brain is pushing you to eat more.

But during deep sleep, your leptin levels go up. This sends a signal to your brain that you've got enough fat stored and no more is needed. This suppresses your appetite, making losing weight that much easier.

Now you can see why GlucoTrust also contains these sleep-enhancing ingredients.

In fact, one of the first signs that GlucoTrust is doing its job is that the quality of your sleep should improve from day one.

And to truly put this formula in a class of its own, each capsule contains a proprietary blend of 15 herbs that regulate your body's natural hormonal balance and allow this whole biochemical process to run smoothly.

I'm sure at this point you're eager to get your hands on this and begin your own life-changing transformation...

And you'll be smart to take action now, because this opportunity won't last.

We purchased bulk amounts for this batch of GlucoTrust, but we weren't expecting the number of orders that have been flooding in.

Gurmar, the sugar destroyer, is always in high demand and short supply. And we only use it in its purest and most bioavailable form, meaning the body absorbs it easily and rapidly...not like other subpar supplements you may have tried in the past.

And the 15-herb proprietary blend, which you'll need in order to get the full metabolic benefits, includes several hard-to-source nutrients that can run out of stock without warning.

For these reasons and others, you've got an opportunity today that you do not want to pass up.

So now you may be wondering about the cost. First let me ask you, what will it cost you to not grab this opportunity?

We've got to face some cold hard facts...

The average person struggling with high blood sugar spends nearly $300,000 on treatment in their lifetime. That's a whole retirement fund, up in smoke, just to keep a band-aid on the problem.

Or, putting long term costs aside, what if you do this the hard way and try to make your own brew?

A 30 day supply of ingredients, enough to mix a month's worth, will cost you around $397.

So $397 would be a fair price for one bottle. Especially since the capsules give you the complete set of ingredients and take away all of the hassle.

But with today's special introductory promotion, you won't pay even a third, of that amount. For six bottles, we could easily charge $1,000 and that still be big savings... But you can forget about paying anything close to that. A six-month supply of GlucoTrust won't cost you $1,000...

Not $500...Not even $300.

Take a look below. I have a feeling you're going to be pleasantly surprised when you see the extremely generous discounts we've worked out for you today.

1 Bottle


organifi green travel pack

$69 /Per Bottle

Add to cart

Total: $69

+ $9 Shipping

60 Days Guarantee

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6 Bottle


organifi green travel pack

$49 /Per Bottle

Add to cart

Total: $294

+ $9 Shipping

60 Days Guarantee

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3 Bottle


organifi green travel pack

$59 /Per Bottle

Add to cart

Total: $117

+ $9 Shipping

60 Days Guarantee

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I'm often asked why we aren't charging more. Usually I'll say I refuse to let price stand between you and the health and freedom you deserve.

And that's all true ...

But there's another answer. Quite frankly, I'd rather see you save money than hand it over to the greedy pharmaceutical companies.

With today's discounts, it's easy to see what a bargain you're getting...

Yet it's hard to put a price tag on GlucoTrust when you consider how many customers have told us they're enjoying energy levels they haven't felt since their 30s...

Slim body

Along with the best glucose readings they've had in years, slimmer bodies, soaring confidence, and even happier relationships.

Right now we're offering GlucoTrust at the lowest prices we can manage, because we know that the more men and women we can help, the more they're going to spread the word.

However I must stress, now that this presentation is going viral, supplies of GlucoTrust are running low and we can't say when another batch will be available.

This is why we recommend you order your ready-made supply of capsules now, and take full advantage of today's generous discount prices.

We suggest choosing at least three bottles of GlucoTrust. Looking at our order history, our happiest and most satisfied customers choose the six-month, six-bottle option.

They claimed the biggest possible discount, which you may never see again after today, and the six-bottle solution was what they needed to experience the maximum benefits.

It takes our manufacturing facility up to three months to source and produce just a single batch of GlucoTrust...

So logically, these bottles should cost much more...

But we're not Big Pharma. And we don't answer to investors or shareholders.

We've set our prices as low as humanly possible because we want to get GlucoTrust into the hands of anyone who needs it...

Especially during this introductory period, since we're looking to collect positive reviews and have our delighted customers share their results on social media.

At these prices we're barely breaking even. Sourcing these exotic ingredients and manufacturing these capsules, using state of the art production and quality control methods, is expensive.


Then you have to factor in our 24-hour customer support and the fact that we're offering free shipping.

That's right, for a limited time we're covering your shipping costs when you order a three or six bottle package.

Make your money-saving selection below, and we'll rush your order to you right away. Our warehouse team is standing by.

You can place your order with confidence, because now you know how the ingredients in GlucoTrust work, as well as the science-backed benefits you can look forward to.

You understand the triple action process, and how the activation ingredient known as the sugar destroyer is just one of the many super nutrients in every capsule.

You know what you're getting. You also know a bargain when you see one, and there's no question this is the deal of the year...

But just in case you're still on the fence, I'm going to remove all of the risk from you and put it all on me.

100% Money Back Guarantee

When you order any amount of GlucoTrust today, you're covered by a 100% Money Back Guarantee good for 60 days. That's two full months. And this guarantee is “No Questions Asked.”

This means if you decide to request a refund you don't need to explain why.

It doesn't even matter if you never get around to trying a single capsule.

Your payment is simply returned to you.

All you need to do is click on the package you prefer and enter your details on the next page.

The moment you place your order, our warehouse will pack it up and mail it out to you fast, so it's in your hands within a few days.

In case you're still deciding which package is right for you, we recommend you grab the three or six-bottle package since this may be your only chance to stock up...

And customer feedback shows most men and women really start to experience dramatic breakthroughs around the 60-day mark.

At 90 days, they look and feel like new people.

Bodies that were flabby and riddled with cellulite have become lean and firm.

Aging, wrinkled faces now seem years, even decades younger.

Their skin and hair shines with a youthful, radiant glow.

Their outer appearance becomes a reflection of their radiant inner health.

Imagine the feeling of accomplishment you'll have at 90 days...

Think of the compliments you'll get, or even jealous looks...

Picture yourself stepping out of the shower, glancing at the mirror, and you can't help but break out in a smile because you absolutely love what you see.

The way you felt before, like a prisoner trapped in your own broken-down body, is a distant memory.

Best of all, none of this is hard or complicated. In fact, it's been simple and stress-free because your body is working for you instead of against you.

Your cravings are gone...

Your beta cells are fighting nonstop to burn off the sugar that once clogged up your bloodstream and kept you heavy and sluggish...

And you've got the fast-acting metabolism of a younger person in their prime.

At this point I'm sure you don't need any more convincing. You know an amazing opportunity when it's in front of you. But because you've come this far, I want to sweeten this deal even more...

When you order a 60 or 90-day supply of GlucoTrust today, you'll also receive a special bonus package worth over $250.

These are digital bonuses you can start using just moments from now. They'll help you get started on the right track and even accelerate the results you get with GlucoTrust.

  • Bonuse #1:

    “100 Great Tasting, Fat Burning Green Smoothie Recipes.”

    Bonus ebook

    Here you'll discover how to whip up mouth-watering, nutrition-packed smoothies that supercharge your health.

    You get a whopping 100 smoothie recipes using ingredients you can find at your local grocery store. Refresh your mind and body while enjoying faster fat loss, smoother skin, clearer thinking and enhanced energy.

  • Bonuse #2:

    “The Ultimate Guide To Superfoods.”

    Bonus ebook

    Processed foods lead to toxic buildup and weight gain, while superfoods support your body in every way imaginable.

    This report reveals common foods and snacks you've been walking past at the grocery store, because you were unaware of their miraculous health benefits.

    You'll want to add a few of these to your shopping cart from now on, because they're so loaded with nutrients that you'll feel full after eating them, yet they stimulate your body to burn calories and fat.

  • Bonuse #3:

    “The 3-Day Liver Cleanse Breakthrough.”

    Bonus ebook

    Your liver acts a filter which processes the food you take in. If you've never done a liver cleanse, you've got decades of toxic buildup in this organ and it's been wrecking your energy, mood and efforts to lose weight—without you even knowing it.

    Yet in just three days you can safely and naturally cleanse your liver. This will strengthen your immune system, drop your stress levels, erase aches, pains, and irritating skin conditions, and allow your body to absorb and utilize GlucoTrust faster and more effectively.

  • Bonuse #4 is the most valuable of all:

    “The Healthy Blood Sugar Blueprint.”

    Bonus ebook

    This is the ultimate companion to GlucoTrust. It's a simple, easy-to-follow ebook which tells you everything you need to know about blood sugar and how to manage it.

    You'll learn proven tips you haven't heard anywhere else that will accelerate your success with GlucoTrust and give you optimalresults.

Now it's time to choose your money saving package and complete your order...

And once you do this, while our warehouse packs up your bottles, we'll give you a link where you can view or download your digital bonuses onto your smartphone, tablet or computer.

Please Note, This Is A One-Time Investment. There Are NO Hidden Fees Or Future Payments...

And your payment details and personal info will be kept totally confidential.

When you select your money-saving package, you'll be taken to our Order Page which is protected by the latest encryption technology...

And to further protect your privacy, nothing about GlucoTrust will appear on your credit card or bank statement.

Now it's time to select your money-saving package below. On the next page, you'll submit your details. It only takes seconds...

And your order of GlucoTrust will be shipped to you today, and you'll receive instant access to all four of the valuable digital bonuses.

I look forward to seeing you on the inside.

1 Bottle


organifi green travel pack

$69 /Per Bottle

Add to cart

Total: $69

+ $9 Shipping

60 Days Guarantee

payment logos

6 Bottle


organifi green travel pack

$49 /Per Bottle

Add to cart

Total: $294

+ $9 Shipping

60 Days Guarantee

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3 Bottle


organifi green travel pack

$59 /Per Bottle

Add to cart

Total: $117

+ $9 Shipping

60 Days Guarantee

payment logos

P.S. Remember, there's zero risk on your part because you have 60 days to decide whether you want your payment to be returned in full.

The only reason we're able to make you this guarantee is that we're 100% confident in the results you will experience.

And remember, the benefits of GlucoTrust go far beyond promoting healthy blood sugar levels, because each capsule also:

  • Reduces inflammation to soothe aches and pains
  • Promotes healthy blood flow and circulation
  • Targets nutritional deficiencies that cause tingling and nerve pain, also known as neuropathy
  • Helps to reverse weight gain caused by high blood sugar and side effects from medications
  • Eliminates sugar and junk food cravings
  • And supports deep, rejuvenating sleep.

Take A Moment To Imagine...

Hearing your doctor tell you that your blood sugar levels are perfectly normal...

The weight being lifted off your shoulders, knowing you'll no longer have to stress about eating your favorite foods...

Imagine your pride, knowing that you accomplished this yourself...


And the confidence flowing through you, because you look and feel YEARS younger...

You're slimmer, sexier and glowing with good health, and everyone around you notices...

And then there's the hope and joy you will feel, about all of the possibilities you have in front of you, now that your blood sugar and weight are finally under control.

You can have it all right now. All you need to do is click on your preferred discount package and fill in your details on the next page...

And we'll begin your journey towards a bright future of health, happiness and freedom.

1 Bottle


organifi green travel pack

$69 /Per Bottle

Add to cart

Total: $69

+ $9 Shipping

60 Days Guarantee

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6 Bottle


organifi green travel pack

$49 /Per Bottle

Add to cart

Total: $294

+ $9 Shipping

60 Days Guarantee

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3 Bottle


organifi green travel pack

$59 /Per Bottle

Add to cart

Total: $117

+ $9 Shipping

60 Days Guarantee

payment logos


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  • Pharmacological Research. “The effects of a nutraceutical combination on plasma lipids and glucose.” M. Pirro. 2016.
  • “Berberine ameliorates type 2 diabetes via modulation of Bifidobacterium species, Tumor necrosis factor-a, and lipopolysaccharide.” International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. 2016.
  • “The spice for joint inflammation: Anti-inflammatory role of curcumin in treating osteoarthritis.” Drug Design, Development and Therapy. K. Chin. 2013.
  • Nutrition Research and Practice. “Association of curry consumption with blood lipids and glucose levels.” Department of Food Science and Engineering, Ewha Womans University. 2008.
  • Journal of Physical Chemistry. “Quantum Chemical and Docking Insights into Bioavailability Enhancement of Curcumin by Piperine in Pepper.” V. Patil. 2012.
  • Department of Food and Nutrition, Yonsei University. “Piperine reverses high fat diet-induced hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance in mice.” Food Chemistry. S. Choi. 2013.
  • Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin. “Experimental research of piperine on glucose metabolism of model rats with insulin resistance syndrome.” N. Song. 2013.
  • “Mitigating efficacy of piperine in the physiological derangements of high fat diet induced obesity in Sprague Dawley rats.” Chemico-Biological Interactions. P. Brahmanaidu. 2014
  • Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters. “Synthesis and hypoglycemic activity of 9-O- (lipophilic group substituted) berberine derivatives.” D. Peng. 2016.
  • “Research progress of relationship between diabetes and intestinal epithelial tight junction barrier and intervention of berberine.” Zhongguo Zhongyao Zazhi. Institute of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine. X. Qin. 2007.